
Oh my gosh! So much has happened since I last wrote that I don’t even know where to begin. This post will probably look like my mind, a million things going on at once, so I apologize ahead of time. Let’s start with our schedule. Remember the first...

Road Trip!

There are so many ways to Homeschool and everyone does it differently. So how do you tell the kids you’re taking a week off of school but secretly teach them? Easy, life experiences! Tell the kids they are taking a week of school and you are going on vacaction....

Field Trip Number Two

We have made every Monday our field trip day and library day. This month was Swaptember, the month that you can visit ZooTampa, The Florida Aquarium, and MOSI for free if you have a pass to one of them. We decided to visit The Florida Aquarium every Monday since we...


Everyone does Homeschool differently. In the state of Florida the only requirements are that you send a letter of intent to your school district, which you can find at Florida Parent Educators Association, and that you have a Florida Certified Teacher do a portfolio...

We Made It Through Week One

The first week of homeschool is over! I can’t believe we all made it through alive! There were ups and many downs, so many downs! Here we are starting week two knowing more than when we started week one. Let me tell you, week one was rough and there was so much...